#Type Name Change v2
0x00000098 0x0A3335C0
0x004CD6F0 0x6E6E616C
0x004CD6F4 0x686E616C
0x004CD6F8 0x6E656D61
0x004CD6FC 0x68656D61
0x004CD700 0x3C1908D0
0x004CD704 0x8F38C558
0x004CD708 0x3C0F08CD
0x004CD70C 0x8DE9D6F0
0x004CD710 0x8DEAD6F4
0x004CD714 0x8DEBD6F8
0x004CD718 0x8DECD6FC
0x004CD71C 0x8F28C55C
0x004CD720 0x8F2DC560
0x004CD724 0x8F2EC564
0x004CD728 0x130A000E
0x004CD730 0x3C0A08D0
0x004CD734 0x8D4A238C
0x004CD738 0x130B0011
0x004CD740 0x130C0016
0x004CD748 0x17090019
0x004CD750 0xAD48008C
0x004CD754 0xAD4D0090
0x004CD758 0xAD4E0094
0x004CD75C 0x10000014
0x004CD764 0x3C0A08D0
0x004CD768 0x8D4A238C
0x004CD76C 0xAD4803A4
0x004CD770 0xAD4D03A8
0x004CD774 0xAD4E03AC
0x004CD778 0x1000000D
0x004CD780 0x8F2BC568
0x004CD784 0xAD48006C
0x004CD788 0xAD4D0070
0x004CD78C 0xAD4E0074
0x004CD790 0xAD4B0078
0x004CD794 0x10000006
0x004CD79C 0x8F29C568
0x004CD7A0 0xAD480384
0x004CD7A4 0xAD4D0388
0x004CD7A8 0xAD4E038C
0x004CD7AC 0xAD490390
0x004CD7B0 0x03E00008
here's how to use this code
for when ur the host !nameh then 2 space's then the what u want ur name to change to
for when ur not the host !namen then 2 space's then the what u want ur name to change to
for when ur the host !clanh then 2 space's then the what u want ur name to change to
for when ur not the host !clann then 2 space's then the what u want ur name to change to
but be for the game start's u'll need to leave and come bake or u'll freeze at the loading screen